Sunday, March 11, 2012

Key to a successful marriage...Marriage is a lifelong partnership between you, your spouse and God... 

Do we understand that we need our spouses to complete the work our Father has assigned for us to do?

Do we understand...Before God laid the foundation of the world he assigned us our partner? God knew everything about his plan for us right? The Word of God states: "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you...Jeremiah 1:5".

Although everyone may not be assigned a spouse (it takes a special kind of anointing for that, lol) but all are assigned a partner to complete our God given assignments and to help surface the abilities God placed in us for the task... they will sometimes help us along the way...encourage us etc.. The bible states that God sent them out two by two... right? Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits... Mark 6:7 says:  I'll water, you plant and GOD WILL give the increase.

We must realize we can do much more damage in unity.   When we are fighting  we are no longer one in unity but we become divided, ineffective and insufficient. So with one being able to put 1000 a flight and two 10.000 what can two fighting do except look insane?

Do we understand our enemy is not fleeing when we are in battle with one another? When partnership is fighting your enemy has the advantage on you and jumps in to destroy everything that concerns you!

Why would God give us spouses if we didn't need it? We will all need encouragement, companionship and although sometimes you must encourage yourself and sometimes you like time alone... let's admit, it wears thin after a while.

Take the steps to unified your marriage...and realize the next time you tell yourself "I don't need my spouse", you need to reiterate and tell yourself (as you rebuke the enemy) "there is a place of purpose that I can't make it to without my indeed I do need my spouse".

Today's Key:
Start agreeing with God's Word over my life and stop agreeing with what the enemy wants me to receive as truth!

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