Keys to a successful Marriage... Marriage is a lifelong partnership between you, your spouse and God...
Up For the Challenge
There is something so special that happens when a man and woman falls in love, you can see it in their eyes, their body language, in the flirty way they answer each other. One must keep in mind that the specialness that we as couples share will be under attack. It is especially important to be mindful that we must shower our spouse with love, kisses and hugs {or what ever we did to get to such a special place}everyday or we will began to doubt that special thing was ever it slowly slips into a place of darkness. When darkness come we began to search for ways to communicate, etc. when at one time it came so freely.
Yes, what you once felt was very real but what happened? You forgot to take care of what you esteemed so high at one point and time... and because of that it began to lose the effect it once had on one or the both of you.
Marriage is work
Marriage is communication
Marriage is understanding
Marriage is setting time aside for one another
Marriage is team work! Marriage is team work!
Marriage is communication
Marriage is understanding
Marriage is setting time aside for one another
Marriage is team work! Marriage is team work!
And sadly when many jump that broom they do so with candy colored glasses on so when reality sets in they were never mentally or spiritually prepared for the battle of contending for what they said they'd do in the beginning as they vowed to love their spouse for ever...through sickness and in health...till death do us part.
God honors your vows.
If we are not willing to work at or in our marriage we will be held accountable for the hurt that we cause our spouses, children etc.
...And if you are the one being hurt just know that God is with you. He's waiting for you to give him the hurt, unforgiveness, anger and your spouse, etc. so that he can properly heal your broken heart.
Be aware... the devil will accelerate a or all situation and makes it seem as though it is the worst thing that can be done or said all to push you closer to the door but if you'd focus your eyes and look in the spirit you will see things differently and unselfishly. I find that to be one of married couples major problem... we have got to tap into the spirit! the enemy needs us to remain in a fleshly and selfish mind state and doing so robs us of our gifts in our spouse.
I'm crying out to the Lord to heal marriages and homes....that their love, and passion for one another will be restored never to be damaged again. That the air waves of communication are no longer tangled up with other issues and other people input. I pray that we began to work together as couples to not only shape our homes but also our community. We must come up against adulterous relations know the kind, the so called understanding person that's there for you to cry to...the one that you began to compare your spouse to, intern coming between you and your spouses. I also pray against ungodly communication... evil communication so that their is no know the person that act as though they are all for you so that you can spill all your heart and take that information and spread it, which causes greater issues in your marriage .
Word to people on the outside looking in... If you are not praying PLEASE keep your mouth off of any area of a couples marriage ... For this is out of order and you are placing yourself in a place of chastisement from God.
God is in control but He is looking for someone to trust Him and let Him use them in the mist of chaos.
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