There is away that seems right...
Can we agree that as a couple it is imperative to base OUR decision making upon what will prosper us in the long run. These decisions will be less emotional and more grounded. As a husband all decision well come from the head of the family and this must come through prayer and fasting. A man who ask a woman to marry him will not just factor in the fact that this woman can cook, excite him sexually, rubs his back or stoke his ego or looks great on his arm. If it is based on these things the relationship wont last. When a man looks at a woman he must factor in her flaws her fears, her inabilities and abilities and if he does then he walks in the situation better prepared for the unpredictable because let's face it some things that happen in a marriage can be very unpredictable. The information we need is gained through conversation and time spent with each other and let's certainly not forget time spent in the presents of Yahweh, only He can reveal us to each other in a way that reaches beyond the physical. Yes, it may have been those big pretty leg that caught your attention or that strong chest (oh how I love a strong chest and back) but those legs or strong chest won't keep our attention always...understand something, lust is a major deceiver! Don't allow yourself to be decapitated by it or any of it's components.
Sometimes as humans we are temporal in our thinking pattern and without trying, this happens when we are hasty with our decision making. The Word of God advises us concerning being hasty when it spoke about Peter on impulse reaching for a weapon and cutting off the ear of a man John 18 a man that makes rash decision is a impulsive soul that never wants to miss out on the moments pleasure and he is afraid to appear to need insight concerning his life and what he touches. He wont seek Yahweh because he feels he have it under control.
Here's a few scriptures based on being impulsive in decision making, Proverb 18:13 Proverb 12:15 Proveb 16:21 Philippians 2:4 Matthew 6:24. Many would wonder why this last scripture was added, we'll let me explain... pride can be your master and can also go undetected and if you are in fact operating in pride your decision are based off your abilities, selfishness, control etc. and not Jehovah's will and plans for your life... Quick example: a man wants to purchase a car, he found the car he wants, buys it and has trouble with it from the day he buys he's upset and believes the world as he knows it is horrible wondering why does he always have to go through these things...then you have another man that wants to buy a car finds the car and prays asking if this cars is for him, He ask Yahweh to reveal any hidden trouble that may take place with this car and says to God... be it your will allow the man to except 30$ less than his asking price or offer a warranty etc.This man waits upon the leadership of the Holy Spirit and then buy or rejects this car, this car will run well and if there are any problems with this car they will be minor. The God lead man will ask The Father to supply what is needed to keep this car running in tiptop shape.
The self lead man feels a sense of entitlement which steers from selfishness and delusional thinking. This man can never lead a household with this state of mind and heart.
Are you a God lead man or are you a self lead man? I'd rather be married to the God lead man! This man will lead me to greatness and not destruction.

Are you a God lead man or are you a self lead man? I'd rather be married to the God lead man! This man will lead me to greatness and not destruction.
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